

Golf Instruction


Using my diverse background in functional movement, yoga and golf bio-mechanics, I will teach you the holistic skills that are required to efficiently swing a golf club. With my unique perspective we will identify limiting factors as well as create a plan of action with regards to improving exactly what needs to improve to get you to the next level.


Movement & Mobility


Great golf doesn’t start on the range, it starts in your body. Every golfer would benefit improved range of motion, strength and flexibility. Usually completed after a few sessions, the Movement & Mobility sessions are tailored to help your body improve in exactly the right places for your swing to follow suit.




Whether it’s to get better at golf, improve flexibility or just to get a great workout, private yoga sessions are not to be taken lightly. Available as a stand alone service or part of a golf improvement protocol. For golfers this is typically booked after a few sessions to target exactly what may be holding your swing back. Can improve overall fitness levels


TPI Screening & Analysis


The TPI Screening Process is the gold standard for understanding the connection between your body and your swing. It acts as a snapshot of your current physical abilities as well as starting point for future improvement. An invaluable tool, this session includes a full movement test and screen, as well as detailed analysis and explanation of the results. Exercises to help address specific dysfunction will be provided.


Integrity in Motion


This specialty session is the foundation for EVERYTHING I teach. When you learn to move your body properly, your life and your game will get so much better. You will come to understand how to create ideal posture in all situations that will allow you to show up as your strongest possible self, moving in a way that can maximize your power and reduce your likelihood of getting injured.